Debian – OpenLDAP with ldaps support on Debian Lenny


somehow I am unable to configure slapd to enable ldaps support on Debian Lenny. It looks like OpenLDAP is compiled with GnuTLS instead of OpenSSL which could be part of the problem.

I've added the following options to slapd.conf:

TLSCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/myhost.pem
TLSCACertificatePath /etc/ssl/certs/ 
TLSCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/myhost.pem
TLSVerifyClient never

and the following to ldap.conf:

URI         ldap:/// ldaps:///

The following error appears in the logs if I try to start slapd:

main: TLS init def ctx failed: -64

Could it be that the certificate, which has been generated by openssl, cannot be read by GnuTLS?

Has anyone of you configured OpenLDAP on Debian with ldaps support? If yes, any hints on how to get it to work would be very appreciated.


EDIT: found a working TLSCipherSuite.

Best Answer

The cipher names between Openssl and GnuTLS are not the same.

Example GnuTLS cipher:


To get a list of GnuTLS cipher names:

$ gnutls-cli -l

And make sure that the "cert" files are readable and owned by the openldap user. You could also add the openldap user to the ssl-cert group.