Debian – pgsql can connect, pgadmin cannot


We want only 1 role owning 1 database, Domain-unix Socket, no password

postgres@luciol-essai:~$ more /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf | grep jppstphp
local   essais_php  jppstphp                       trust

Success with psql :

envol@luciol-essai:~$ psql -U jppstphp essais_php
psql (8.4.15)

Failure with pgadmin3 :

This is the error.

Error connecting to the server: FATAL:  authentification Ident ?chou?e pour l'utilisateur << jppstphp >>

Best Answer

It looks like PgAdmin-III is being told to connect to localhost or, so it's using TCP/IP, wheras psql isn't being given a host specification so it's using UNIX sockets (local).

Leave the host name field in pgadmin3 blank, or add another pg_hba.conf entry for host essais_php jppstphp trust.