Debian – Redmine not finding the Git Repo on Debian 7.3


I'm currently facing the problem, that I get the error message The entry or revision was not found in the repository. when I want to see the repository in Redmine 1.4.4. The repository path is set to /var/redmine/git_repositories/db-hdr.git/ in Redmine. In the Apache error.log would always appear:

fatal: Not a git repository: '/var/redmine/git_repositories/db-hdr.git/'
fatal: Not a git repository: '/var/redmine/git_repositories/db-hdr.git/'

But it IS a git repository, like you can see in this screenshot:

I really don't know what else I could do to find a solution, therefore I am asking for your help to get Redmine to work with git repositories…

You will probably need more information, but I don't know what further information could help you, so if you need more logs or anything, please ask me to provide them.

Thank you for your help in advance.


Best Answer

Try using .git directory in repository settings. I mean change this path:


to this:


or something like this.

It helped me with redmine 2.5-stable branch. I found this solution here: