Debian – Remote rsyslog on Debian


How does one enable remote listening with rsyslog (on Debian). Forgive what seems like a super basic question, but all the docs I'm finding about it seem to apply to older versions in which one would simply add a -r to the config options. The /etc/default/rsyslog.config tells me that -r is deprecated, but it does not state what the current method is.

I looked at this:
How does one enable remote listening with rsyslog which has a comment about -r being deprecrated, but again, no mention what replaces it.

I confirmed that nothing is listening on port 514 on my server at the moment.

(My goal is to log server traffic through an Airport Extreme router.)


Best Answer

Have you read the man page for the rsylog.conf (or rsyslog.config) file? It says:


Input plugin for UDP syslog. Replaces the deprecated -r option. Can be used like this:

$ModLoad imudp
$UDPServerRun 514
