Debian Squeeze guest running under KVM, how to get serial


I've just got it running on Ubuntu, have installed everything but the kitchen sink.

Got virt-console, virt-manager, running debian Squeeze, everything works.

But… I don't want to connect via vnc. I want to install loads of KVM's onto a headless server. And I don't want to deal with firewalling vnc.

But I can't figure out the correct way to enable serial tty access, I would ideally like for every guest machine there would be a corresponding tty on the host.

I can't figure out what I should connect getty to in the guest. Running lshw doesn't reveal any serial devices. Grub 2 doesn't make it particularly easy to figure out where to add the kernel console setting to the initrd

The guest machine has the following pty config.

<serial type='pty'>
   <target port='0'/>

Best Answer

in RHEL/Fedora I add console=ttyS0 to the grub kernel boot line in grub.conf

Then make sure the VM xml definitions have

<serial type='pty'>  
 <target port='0'/> 
<console type='pty'>  
 <target type='serial' port='0'/> 

Start the VM and run virsh list to get it's name or number

Then simply run virsh console $VMNAME

I think this should work in Debian as well