Debian Squeeze: how to find out if RabbitMQ is installed


According to the RabbitMQ docs, the RabbitMQ server is already installed on Debian 6 Squeeze.

rabbitmq-server is included in Debian since 6.0 (squeeze) and in Ubuntu since 9.04.

I tried to start it via SSH and invoke-rc.d rabbitmq-server start but realized that there is no rabbitmq-server in init.d. – rabbitmqctl status also is unknown. I also could not find it with dpkg –get-selections.

I have to admit that I am new to Linux, but could it be possible that there is no rabbitmq server preinstalled? Or maybe I am looking in the wrong places?

Thank you

Best Answer

"rabbitmq-server is included in Debian since 6.0 (squeeze) and in Ubuntu since 9.04" means they are available in their respective repositories not installed by default in default installation procedure.

You need to run

apt-get install rabbitmq-server

to install