Debian Stuck at Booting from Hard Disk after installation on KVM


I'm trying to install Debian on Qemu-KVM on RouterOS v5.25

I tried :


on disk image created using : qemu-img.exe create -f raw debian.img 10G

during the installation process, everything is good to the end.

but right after finishing installation and rebooting, it shows the boot screen counting to 4 then it's stuck at

Booting from Hard Disk...

GRUB installed on (master boot record) during installation and i've tried to install it on (/dev/sda).

enter image description here

Note : it's not rebooting itself, it's just stuck.

Here's the boot parameters :

enter image description here

RouterOS KVM configuration :

enter image description here

(for testing) I installed debian-6.0.10-i386-netinst.iso it did install and boot without problems, but nothing higher than this version is booting.

What causes this problem?

Best Answer

You seem to redirect the output of the kernel to your serial port. Remove the kernel option console=ttyS0.