Debian – Use authentication with Dante Socks


I just set up my dante socks proxy and it works just fine without authentication. Now I want only certain users to be able to use it tho. Preferably only those users that are in the passwd. What would you guys recommend me using? Can I somehow use PAM and link it to my passwd? What other authentication is there and how would they work? For example would an authentication window pop up, before the user would be able to browse?

Best Answer

If you want to allow all users from your passwd, and only them, you can simply say:

method: username

But if you decide to have all the PAM features, modules and hassle:

method: pam
pam.servicename: sockd_myservice

In PAM you need to configure a new stack for "sockd_myservice", look for example how "ssh" service is configured to allow sshd to use PAM.

Pre-requisite to either username or pam methods is:

user.privileged    : root
user.notprivileged : socks     # some non-root user name
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