Debian – /var/cache/logwatch No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/logwatch line 633


Logwatch has been working perfectly until now. I read a tutorial that you shouldnt edit the config in the default place


Instead you should move it to

So i did that and now i get this error

/var/cache/logwatch No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/logwatch line 633.

Does anyone know how to fix? Or should i just try removing the entry in /etc ?

Best Answer

The advice given in /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf is quite right. However, after copying the logwatch.conf you may just want to deactivate line 30 in /etc/logwatch/logwatch.conf (or /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf in some versions).

# TmpDir = /var/cache/logwatch

or, alternatively, create this directory with

sudo mkdir /var/cache/logwatch

That's it.

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