Debian – Why can’t I shutdown running kvm instance


I have running kvm instance:

=# virsh list --all
 Id    Name                           State
 2     debian-test                    running

When I try to shut it down, I get:

=# virsh shutdown debian-test
Domain debian-test is being shutdown

But the instance is still running. In logs I found only:

"error : virIdentityGetSystem:173 : Unable to lookup SELinux process context: Invalid argument"

I am not using SELinux, so in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf I changed security_driver to none.

Afterwards I destroyed the machine (libvirt destroy …), restarted libvirt-bin, qemu-system-x86, and restarted the virtual machine – but shutting down is still not possible.

How can it be debugged/fixed? I'm running libvirt on debian host.

Best Answer

Do you have acpid installed in the client? A shutdown simply sends a "power button pressed" event to the VM, the VM will need to catch it and actually perform the shutdown.

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