Debian – Zabbix: system.cpu.load[,]


I installed Zabbix 4.0 and going through Quickstart:

I've added system.cpu.load[<cpu>,<mode>] (that's the key that is available in Key list under Select button, exact string system.cpu.load like on screenshot in the link is not available) as item for an agent on the host, host is enabled, but values are not read and no matter what I enter as parameters for [<cpu>,<mode>] or leave the string as is or delete [<cpu>,<mode>] and leave system.cpu.load only per the Quickstart link, after adding the Info column displays Invalid first parameter.

How do I specify parameters for such keys? Do I? How to configure this?

Best Answer

These parameters are optional and one should never leave the placeholders like <cpu> in. Leaving just system.cpu.load should work - if it does not seem to work, one reason could be the configuration cache. Change the item key and let it sit there for some 10 minutes, it should start gathering values.

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