Default Document doesn’t work in IIS 6 with .NET 4


I just upgraded the .NET Framework from 3.5 to 4.0 on Windows 2003 x64. IIS is configured to run in 32 bit mode.

When I run aspnet_regiis -lv I get the Framework64 and Framework of 4.0.30319.0 and the Framework of 2.0.50727.0 listed.

I have a web application with a virtual directory of sems and the Documents -> Enable Default Content Page is set to default.aspx (which is a valid page). If I specify the default.aspx page in the URL it works correctly.

How can I get the default document to work?

Best Answer

What you have is normally correct. Default docs 'just work'.

The one thing that can turn off default documents is adding a wildcard script mapping. i.e. * for aspnet_isapi.dll. If you do that then you need to write your own default document handler since a / path is handled by .NET instead of IIS 6's default document handler. That's my top guess on what is happening.

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