Delete outgoing message smtp queue


Is there a way of deleting locked files in mailroot\queue in IIS6 Smtp?

We've been having problems with a huge bulk of e-mail being sent, we have now resolved this but there are 6 e-mails stuck in the queue which I wish to delete.

I've tried stopping the service, but it is now stuck in a stopping state.

E-mails were previously being sent even when in stopping. But these last few seem to be blocking other e-mails in the pickup directory.

I have read about a tool called aqadmcli.exe, but have been unable to find a working download link. I'm hesitant to use anything other than from an authoritative site.

Best Answer

  1. Set the SMTP service to disabled.

  2. Reboot the server.

  3. Delete the messages.

  4. Set the SMTP service to Automatic.

  5. Start the SMTP service.