Deleting database from Exchange 2016 – error


Failed to remove monitoring mailbox object of database "abc" Exception: Active Directory operation failed on "" This error is not retriable. Additional information: Access is denied. Active directory response: 00000005: SecErr: DSID-0315274A, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS), data 0 .

So this was the error I got after I thought I had deleted all the mailboxes on an old test database (no longer needed) in Exchange 2016, and removed it from ECP. The database has disappeared though, so all looks OK. Just wondering if this will come back to bite me one day or I can safely move on and ignore?


Best Answer

Health mailboxes CAN be deleted and actually they should if orphaned. The link provided in BastianW answer does involve System mailboxes management and does not help in managing health mailboxes. Basically, Health mailboxes creation logic has been changed in CU6 E2013 so it's ok to remove old health mailboxes.

Health mailbox will be, anyway, recreated upon MsEchangeHM service restart.
A detailed explanation on why it may be necessary to delete monitoring mailboxes can be found here:

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