Dell H710P, Non-Dell SSDs, and RAID Failures


As long as a non-Dell drive is recognized by the H710P controller, and I'm able to set it up in a RAID, will RAID errors with regard to the non-Dell drives be reported?

I setup a RAID10 (16 x 256GB crucial m4 SSDs) in a R720, and it appears in the OS just fine, but since they aren't OEM drives all the amber lights are always blinking. I can live with that, but what I can't live with is a non-Dell drive failure within the RAID that isn't reported by the H710P controller, since it isn't Dell branded.

Thanks for any insight!

Best Answer

Which is the OS and do you have the option to install Server Administrator?, with it you can see the state of the HDs and with another application you can configure it to send you alerts in case of failure, the alert of a failure are going to reported by the controller so I don't see why a possible failure cannot be reported. But if I'm sincere I never saw a Dell Server with non-Dell SSDs.

I think tomorrow I can have more information about it.