Dell PowerEdge 2800 Logical Disk Failure: Any Possible Recovery

dellhard driveraidwindows-sbs-2003

I was noticing a issues with the server.

Usually Microsoft Updates that have downloaded, but are waiting to be installed can cause this.

Before applying the updates and restarting, I ran several diagnostic tests on the hardware and everything came up green. Both hard drives also displayed green lights

I then chose 'Install updates and Restart'.

Upon reboot, immediately after the 'SCSI scanning' hits 100%, both hard drives go from green to blinking amber and I get a '1 logical drive found/failed' error message.

I've tried reseating the drives without any change.

I've mounted two new drives in slots 2 and 3 (The two original drives are still in slots 0 and 1)

Would it be possible to rebuild/recover anything at this point?

If there is any possible step I'm missing before reinstalling the OS on the two new drives and starting from scratch, I'd REALLY REALLY appreciate someone schooling me on it before I kill any chance of recovery.


Best Answer

well, 2800 is rather old now, but still, it would help if you posted the raid configuration and the state the disks are reported in, in the scsi controller bios. In general, the drives might be ok (they did pass the diags, right? you ran the dell pediags/onlineDiags from and you might just need to recover the array and possibly update the controller and disk firmware, but without any information, it's very hard to guide you through the required steps