Dell PowerEdge IO and performance related problems


I have an Dell PowerEdge 830, but after installing a 4:th disk and while copying backup files to this new disk the overall performance of the server just plummet.

The system degrades to a point where it can not be accessed remotely over the network and basically freeze. But as soon as I cancel the copy operation things return to normal.

I can provide more information on the matter, but right now I'm thinking it's related to the bus speed, but why would it be so intense? Is there anything I can do to identify the problem, or has anyone run into a similar problem?

Current disk configuration

  • 3 disks connected to a DELL CERC SATA 1.5/6ch RAID Controller
    • Only two of these disks form a RAID0 array
    • The 3rd disk seems to be unused
  • The RAID array has 3 partitions, something called EISA configuration 31MB (don't know what this is), C: with 132GB and D: with 165GB
  • 4th disk connected to a SATA port on the main board

Copying from the RAID array to the 4th disk kills server performance to a point where it's almost entirely unresponsive.

Best Answer

Make sure the integrated s-ata isn't running in compatibility mode, and that you have updated drivers for the integrated controller.

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