Dell Poweredge SAS issue


I've got an open case with Dell, but I wanted to throw this out here. Brand new PE T610, PERC H200 controller, 32GB of memory

I've got 8 drives in it currently. 2x 146GB and 6x 500GB. The first 4 drives are on the first channel, the last 4 on the second. When I first booted it up, I created a RAID 1 in the SAS on the 2 146GB and left the rest of the drives alone. Booted from my Server 2k8 R2 64 bit disk and I'm able to install the OS with no issues.

Here's the weird part. If i use the Openmanage software to create the RAID 10 array with the 6 remaining disks, the server pulls a BSoD. Rebooting prompts a startup repair, which is unable to continue. Removing the array in the SAS BIOS config has no effect.

Delete all arrays, re-create the initial mirror and install the OS the same. But now, shut down and create the RAID 10 in the SAS BIOS. Upon a reboot, i get the startup repair again.

All firmware is up to date, Dell diagnostics come back clean.

Best Answer

Which drivers are you using for the controller? Windows or Dell?