Dell R710 / R620 power-supply broken after firmware update


We datet up the firmware on a dell R710 and some weeks later on a DELL R620. In both cases the firmware update on one of the two power supplies failed and it didn't work any more (amber flashing).

With the premier support we tried to revive them and finally we got new PSUs in both cases. Neither the premier support nor newsgroups could tell us how to prevent that in the future.

Now we are facing a new update.

Is there any way to prevent this?

Power-supplies in DELL Poweredge servers have a firmware. Here is the log of a failing update on the first power supply. After that it had to be replaced.

2015-01-05T18:40:51-0600    SUP0538 Unable to update [PSU-1] PWR SPLY,750WP,RDNT,FLX, F0.00.99, A01.
2015-01-05T18:55:32-0600    PSU0006 Power supply 1 is incorrectly configured.

Best Answer

Do the update, as you are on support no worry, especially if you got two powersupply. Be aware that dell usually write what the change is, so you can weight the need for the update.