Deny AD-User Group to login on a certain AD-Computer Group


I have (simplified) two AD Groups for Users:\Students\Teachers

I have (simplified) two AD Groups for Computers (like in two rooms)\Room1\Room2

I want students to only be able to login computers in Room1.

I set up a Group Policy, ("denyStudents") to\Room2 and set

Computer Configuration > Policies > Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment. > Deny log on locally

At this point I am stuck…

How do I include\Students at this point??

Best Answer

It sounds like there's some confused terminology here between OU and group. An OU, or Organizational Unit, is basically where you apply group policy. A group is a bunch of users.

If you want to use the approach in your question, you'll need to create a group that contains the students and refer to that in your policy.

If you want to use Zoredache's approach (recommended), you'll need to create a group that contains the teachers and refer to that in a policy in Computer Configuration -> Preferences -> Control Panel Settings -> Local Users and Groups (replace Domain Users with the Teachers group).

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