Deploy Rails app from Hudson


I'm using hudson as my CI and it works great, builds run their tests, code metrics, all that good stuff. But at the moment, that's it, no automated deployment, I have to manually do that after. I haven't found any sort of capistrano plugin for hudson and I can't even see where I can just run my cap deploy after a successful build in Hudson.

Does anyone have any idea what I need in order to automate a deployment to a testing server on a successful build? I'd like each commit to force a build and in term deploy to testing so I can see everything right away.

Best Answer

Not sure what kind of job you created. However, I am working with Maven2 projects and I can add post build steps. With a freestyle project you can add additional build steps as well. Another option is that your job triggers another job which will run the deployment.

My assumption is that you have some kind of command line scripts, which you can use for deploying your project. These scripts can be called by Hudson.