Google Cloud Platform – API Not Enabled Error During Deployment

continuous integrationgoogle-cloud-platformservice-accounts

I am struggling to make automated deployment using a service account work. First I created a new service account and now I am using a default because presumably App Engine instances run under this account (am I understanding correctly?). I’ve never got a “permission denied” error but am always getting the “API not enabled” one. The very same command run as ordinary user works perfectly. I tried to give the service accounts all the permissions (including ”Project > Owner”) but result is still the same. What am I doing wrong? Is there a step-by-step guide somewhere on how to make automated App Engine deployments work? Can this be a result of misconfigured SDK on a CI machine?

Thank you.

Best Answer

It looks like you just need to enable the App Engine API for your project as the error states:

You can use the gcloud command as described here:

gcloud config set project [YOUR_PROJECT_ID]
gcloud services enable

Or you can do it from the Cloud Console:

  • Look for the APIs and Services menu and click the “Library” options. enter image description here
  • In The search bar type: “App Engine Admin API”.

  • Click on the result and then click the enable button. enter image description here

Hope this helps.