DHCP for data center


Can someone provide cons and pros for having DHCP in a data center?

I know this is usually a taboo, but maybe there were developments which alleviate the said issues?


Best Answer

I vote no. Allow me to enumerate my reasons.

1: Reliability.
Having each server machine rely on dhcp in order to have its networking stack come up correctly adds another potential fault. In a server environment, where you're trying as hard as possible to achieve maximum availability, adding another moving part is not a good idea

2: Security
DHCP essentially hands anyone plugging into the switch a valid lease. Yes, you can specify that only known MACs get leases, and everyone else is denied, but a better place for this is dynamic VLANs.

3: Documentation
Having a central DHCP pool which assigns addresses willy-nilly is insane for a server block. Assigning a server a specific IP via DHCP is less insane, in the sense that having 3 imaginary pink elephants chasing you is less insane than 5.

4: Management
Not only to you have to specify in the DHCP server what each machine is assigned to, you have to keep documentation of it. And you have to update ALL of the documentation any time anything changes. New network card? Update documentation and DHCP server and DNS, etc.

Simple is better.