DHCP server not updating DNS server after assigning IP address


I'm having mysterious issue that confused me for such a long time till now, I've got one DC which acted as DNS and DHCP as well.

However it is successfully giving out IP address to all IP enabled device and machine but when updating the DNS entry, only the Windows machine (workstations and server) gets their IP registered in the DNS server, therefore i cannot ping and access the other Linux machine apart from using IP address only.

restarting the DNS (plus RELOAD the entry) and DHCP services doesn't help at all and also entering the DHCP assigned IP address into the DNS server caused more problem since the address is assigned to different host already by DHCP but not gets updated in the DNS server (only to non-windows machine).

If anyone know how to diagnose and help me solve this problem that'd be very great helps.


Best Answer

make sure your DHCP server is configured to dynamically update DNS on behalf of clients (DHCP Server properties, DNS tab)