Diasable Cache on Squid Proxy


I have Squid Proxy setup on a windows server with 4 ip addresses available on it. In the config file, squid listens to 4 different ports and assigns an outgoing ip address from the 4 available, depending on the port it entered on.

On my browser, I enter the proxy details and point it to port 3. I then navigate to a webpage that gives you details on the extarnal IP address calling the webpage. according to the port I have setup, the ip address is correct. I then change my browser to point to port 2 and navigate to the same web page. The reults returned remain the same as the results I got pointing to port 3, however, if I give it about 3 minutes and refresh the page, the ip changes to the correct address for port 2.

What I gather from this is that squid is caching the ip adress for 5 minutes until a new call come through. How do I disable caching?

Best Answer

To disable caching completely you can use the

cache deny all

directive on the more recent squid versions. For older versions you can check what can be done in the squid FAQ.