Did the mongoDB server crash because the database is too large


I've had no problems with my Mongo set up for a couple of years until it shutdown unexpectedly yesterday. I found no error in the logs from around the time it stopped.

It seems like a neat coincidence that the size of the database is a fraction under 2GB. 1.953125GB to be exact.

Could this be a reason?

Additional info:

I'm running Mongo v2.1 on 64bit CentOS 5.5. The /data/db directory is on an ext3 partition.

The data file sizes look like this:

 64M  db.0
128M  db.1
256M  db.2
512M  db.3
1.0G  db.4
 16M  db.ns 

Best Answer

You are using an unstable mongodb release - odd release numbers are for developmental testing and definitely not for production use. http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/release-notes/#release-version-numbers

Don't know if you've tried restarting but I'd also consider going to a stable production release (2.2/2.4 - 2.6 is brand new as a prod release) and try that.

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