Difference between 2Rx4 vs 2Rx8 RAM


My IT provider is convincing me there is no difference between a 2Rx4 and a 2Rx8 RAM. A little digging around informed me that x4 means 4 bits on a chip vs x8 means 8 bits. Which is good, but what difference does that make?

Best Answer

2R == 2 RANKS, this is the number of chip selects each DIMM module has.

x4 == data-bus width of each DRAM (chip)

DDR* memory bus width is 64-bits wide.

So a single 1Rx8 (non-ecc, unbuffered) DIMM will have 8 DRAMS (chips) ... 1Rx4 will have 16 1Rx16 will have 4

Ranks, on the other hand, are 64-bit arrays that share the bus. Only one rank can have the bus at a time, the chip select line is the ranks way of knowing that it is that ranks turn to have the bus.

So a 2Rx8 will have 16 chips.

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