Amazon Web Services – Difference Between AWS EC2 T4g and T3a Instance Types

amazon ec2amazon-web-services

I saw that T4g and T3a instances from AWS EC2 are really similar, and they are roughly the same price. Is there any notable difference in performance? I noticed that the T4g uses an ARM-based processor while the T3a uses the AMD EPYC processor, but I don't know how that affects performance.

I am just hosting a basic LAMP stack for my projects, with little to no traffic.

Best Answer

I think all those answers about "we don't know" are lazy. Because you do know what types of operations you might have in a DB and you can at least provide some information about those types of operations.

For example, we ran the tests for T3.medium vs T3.small vs T4g.medium vs T4g.small AWS RDS PostgreSQL instances and found out that all of them were very similar when it came to the speed of write/read operations when you're performing an operation that is supposed to take a short time ~ 1-5 seconds.

However, where the .medium instances (both T3 and T4) really stood out was the creation of indexes on a large table and text search through a large table. In that case both T3 and T4 .medium instances were about 2x faster than the .small instances. T3 was a bit better in our tests (like 5-10%).

So I'd say go with T3 and choose the RAM size depending on the largest table in your DB.