Difference between Microsoft ADCS Standalone CA and Enterprise CA


This is a canonical question about the different types of Microsoft Certificate Authority

I'm looking for an information about difference between Microsoft ADCS Enterprise CA and Standalone CA?

When and where I should use each CA type? I tried to google this question and found only one answer that Standalone CA does not enjoy Active Directory. What I should take into consideration before choosing one?

Best Answer

There is significant difference between Standalone and Enterprise CAs and each have its usage scenario.

Enterprise CAs

This type of CAs offer the following features:

  • tight integration with Active Directory

When you install Enterprise CA in AD forest, it is automatically published to AD and each AD forest memeber can immediately communicate with CA to request certificates.

  • certificate templates

Certificate templates allows enterprises to standatize issued certificates by their usages or whatever else. Administrators configure required certificate templates (with appropriate settings) and put them to CA for issuance. Compatible recipients don't have to bother with manual request generation, CryptoAPI platform will automatically prepare correct certificate request, submit it to CA and retrieve issued certificate. If some request properties are invalid, CA will override them with correct values from certificate template or Active Directory.

  • certificate autoenrollment

is a killer feature of Enterprise CA. Autoenrollment allows to automatically enroll certificates for configured templates. No user interaction is required, everything happens automatically (of course, autoenrollment requires initial configuration).

  • Key Archival

this feature is underrated by systems administrators, but is extremely valuable as a backup source for user encryption certificates. If private key is lost, it can be recovered from CA database if necessary. Otherwise, you will loose access to your encrypted content.

Standalone CA

This type of CA can't utilize features provided by Enterprise CAs. That is:

  • No certificate templates

this means that every request must be manually prepared and must include all required information to be included in the certificate. Depending on certificate template settings, Enterprise CA may require only key information, the rest info will be automatically retrieved by CA. Standalone CA won't do that, because it lacks information source. The request must be literally complete.

  • manual certificate request approval

Since Standalone CA do not use certificate templates, every request must be manually verified by a CA manager to ensure that request does not contain dangerous information.

  • no autoenrollment, no key archival

Since Standalone CA do not require Active Directory, these features are disabled for this type of CAs.


Although, it may look that Standalone CA is a dead end, it isn't. Enterprise CAs are best suited to issue certificate to end entities (users, devices) and is designed for "high volume, low cost" scenarios.

On the other hand, Standalone CAs are best suited for "low volume, high cost" scnearios, including offline ones. Generally Standalone CAs are used to act as Root and Policy CA and they issue certificates only to other CAs. Since certificate activity is quite low, you can keep Standalone CA offline for a reasonable large time (6-12 months) and turn on only to issue new CRL or sign new subordinate CA certificate. By keeping it offline, you enhance its key security. Best practices suggest to never attach Standalone CAs to any network and provide good physical security.

When implementing enterprise-wide PKI, you should focus on a 2-tier PKI approach with offline Standalone Root CA and online Enterprise Subordinate CA that will operate in your Active Directory.