Difference between `proxyAdresses` and `mail` attributes in Active Directory


In Windows Active Directory (in connection with Exchange 2010), I am unsure about the semantic difference between mail: and proxyAddresses: attributes. As far as I can tell, mail: is one-valued whereas proxyAddresses: is multivalued and (apart from the possibility to include non-SMTP addresses) allows one value starting with SMTP as main address and several values starting with smtp as secondary addresses.

I think I recall that in former versions of Windows and/or Exchange the main proxyAddresses was always kept in sync with the mail attribute. But I now noticed that these are no longer automatically kept in sync (depending on how one edits the data). So it may happen that I have a user with

mail: AAA@example.com
proxyAddresses: SMTP:BBB@example.com
proxyAddresses: smtp:CCC@example.com

So any mail that user sends will use <BBB@example.com> as sender address; incoming mail addressed to either <BBB@example.com> or <CCC@example.com> will end up at that users mailbox; but where does <AAA@example.com> come into play?

So the questions I have are

  • Is there any specific purpose where the mail attribute is used?
  • Does it ever make sense to have different mail: and proxyAddresses:SMTP entries as above?
  • If the answer to the preceding question is "no": What am I doing wrong that causes mail: and proxyAddresses:SMTP to be no longer kept in sync?

Best Answer

As you said, the proxy address attribute can contain multiple values whereas the mail address contains only a single value. This can be useful when configuring multiple addresses for a single account. See the below config:

proxyAddresses: SMTP:aaa@example.com

proxyAddresses: smtp:bbb@example.com

proxyAddresses: smtp:ccc@example.com

In this instance, the first attribute "SMTP:aaa@example.com", being uppercase, defines the user's primary email address. And will also be the default address for Outlook and Outlook online.

There are 3 attributes that need to be configured to ensure Accounts are synced properly between your on-premise domain controller and AzureAD/Exchange Online. These are mail, mailNick and proxyAddress.

An example of a working configuration would be as follows:

mail: aaa@example.com

mailNick: John Smith

proxyAddress: SMTP:aaa@example.com

proxyAddress: smtp:bbb@example.com

proxyAddress: smtp:ccc@example.com