Difference SQLSERVER and MSSQLSERVER services


I have two SQL Server services in Sql Server Configuration Manager: SQLEXPRESS and MSSQLSERVER. I have no idea what the differences are. I think that SQLEXPRESS is the free version, but I don't know how I got it and I can't remove it either because it doesn't show up in remove programs.

But here's where it gets weird: I installed SQL Server Enterprise, and during installation I specified a local user (SQLServices) to be used for all SQL Server services. Okay, so this worked for SQL Server Analysis Services (MSSQLSERVER) and SQL Server Integration Services10.0 (MSSQLSERVER), they are running under this user. But SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) does NOT run and gives an error that it can't connect/time out etc., and SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) runs, but under NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE. I stopped this, and tried to run the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER), but it keeps timing out on me. What's going on?

Best Answer

You are correct that SQLEXPRESS is the free version. Not sure why it wouldn't show up in the list of programs to remove.

More than likely, SQLEXPRESS being present or running has nothing to do with trouble you are having with SQL Ent; they can run side-by-side as separate instances (barring any misconfiguration which would explicitly prevent it - which would likely have to be done purposefully)

NETWORK SERVICE is, I believe, the default that SQLEXPRESS will run under.

As for why SQL Ent is not running; exactly what error(s) are you getting? Have you checked the logs? It's possible the user in question does not have all the rights or permissions needed to run SQL Server.