Digital Ocean Spaces S3: Is it possible to add access-control-allow-origin: * to all requests

amazon s3cloudcorsdigital-ocean

If you curl my image

curl -i

you will see that there is no Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in the response.

If you curl like this, the header is set:

curl -H "Origin:" -i

Now I wonder, because all big CDN pages always set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *, even when Sec-Fetch-Mode: no-cors.

To test it, do this:

curl -i\?_nc_ht\


curl -i,boy,man,men,woman\?lock\=4446

Best Answer

The support reached out to me:

At the moment, there isn't any way to force this. Without an Origin set, the header will not be served. It is possible to use a proxy service, however that may not be the best fit for most use cases.