Direct Access on Server 2012


Scenario: Windows Server 2012 with the Remote Access role installed. IP set to static, registered DNS. 3 domain controllers, all running Server 2003 (I suspect this may be the issue)

Done so far: DNS registered, firewall turned off after IPsec was applied. Able to ping all 3 DC's with no issues

Going through the DA wizard generates this error. I am logged in as a domain admin, verified that I can ping the DC, verified IPsec allows me to contact it. Since this version hasnt been readily deployed yet, there isnt much help available online from what I can find.


Any assistance ayone could provide would be greatly appreciated. I am still new to the server world as far as things are considered. I would fit, user wise, between and (junior admin)

Thanks to anyone who may be able to assist!

Best Answer

DirectAccess requires at least one Server 2008 or above Active Directory DC with IPv6 enabled. See for all requirements.

Keep in mind, without a 6to4 NAT Device (Forefront UAG, etc...), DirectAccess only allows access to IPv6 resources. 2003 and XP have limited IPv6 support, and require extra configuration to get working.

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