Disable ipv6 loopback


I am trying to get the IPv6 loopback completely disabled/disconnected. Searching the posts here I see everything that I have done so far.

1)Un-check the IPv6 on the adapter which will disable IPv6 for that LAN interface.

2)Add the DisabledComponents DWORD 000000ff

The Pre/Post reboot >netsh interface ipv6 show interface


Idx     Met         MTU          State                Name
---  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------------------------
  1          50  4294967295  connected     Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1
 12          50        1280  disconnected  isatap.{08551F83-B9DE-4FF1-8A21-5B988
 13          10        1280  connected     6TO4 Adapter
 14          50        1280  connected     Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface


Idx     Met         MTU          State                Name
---  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------------------------
  1          50  4294967295  connected     Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1

3)Edited the hosts file to look like:

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.       localhost
#   ::1             localhost

So is there anything else I can do to disable/disconnect the IPv6 loopback? Netsh still shows the loopback interface connected.

Best Answer

just unchecking the box doesn't completely disable ipv6.

c:>reg add hklm\system\currentcontrolset\services\tcpip6\parameters /v DisabledComponents /t REG_DWORD /d 255

and unless you need ipv6, you should do this because it causes problems and muddies up your dns with all the entries