Disable mod_security on Dreamhost, for a single cgi script


I've searched around a lot, and tried various tweaks to .htaccess files to try to turn off mod_security for a particular cgi script (uber uploader) but it doesn't seem to have any effect.

The most popular one I see rehashed all over the web is:

# Turn off mod_security filtering.
SecFilterEngine Off

# The below probably isn't needed,
# but better safe than sorry.
SecFilterScanPOST Off

Which looks relative simple to me – if "SecFilterEngine" is in some way related to mod_security of course. Shame it has absolutely no effect!

Does anyone have a suggested way I can simply disable it for a request to any file in my cgi-bin directory?

Best Answer

From memory Dreamhost won't allow you to turn off mod_security. Are you sure that it is a mod_security problem? Dreamhost need you to run scripts with very specific chmod values, and that's always been the problem I've had. It might help to show any error messages you're getting, and related entries in your error log.

Also ask Dreamhost if you're sure it's a problem with mod_security. They won't be able to turn it off for you, but may be able to suggest some work arounds or alternatives. They're incredibly slow at responding and aren't always able to help, but sometimes you get lucky.