Disable RDC Welcome Screen in Windows 2008 R2


Is there a way to disable or bypass the "Welcome" screen I see when I'm using RDC to log in to a machine using saved credentials?

I have startup task which launches an RDP session automatically to localhost when the machine boots. This works, except that the remote desktop window stops and waits for an "OK" on the Welcome screen:

MACHINENAME-A.B.C.D(Server ID:Console 0)



This screen is preventing me from automating this login. Is there any way to get around it?


Here's the command line I'm currently using to launch it:

start /min C:\windows\system32\mstsc.exe c:\rdp\ServiceRunner.rdp

Best Answer

Check if you have these policies specified:

Interactive logon: Message text for users attempting to logon
Interactive logon: Message title for users attempting to logon

In gpedit.msc:

Computer > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options

Registry values:
