Disconnect shared network folder on server side


Normally I use the following command to make a shared network folder connection:

net use * \\remotebox\sharedfolder /user:userid pwd

This command is used on the the client side. Is there any similar command tool on the remote side to see who have connections and disconnect the connection?

The reason I ask this question is that today I have one case: the connection on the client side (Windows XP) is lost, but it seems that the server side (Windows XP as well) does not get notification about the connection lost. The client box was reboot and still could make a connection again. I had to reboot the remote PC to get the problem resolved.

Then I think that I need to find out a way on the server side (folder to be shared) to know what PCs have connection and to reset the connection. Is this possible?

Best Answer

To see who's connected:

net session

To end a connection:

net session \\computername /delete