Disk 0 Failed in RAID-1 on Dell PE2950

hard drivehardware-raidraid

I'm sure I probably know the answer to this question, and am just looking for some reassurance!

We have a Dell PE2950 with a RAID-1 (2 x 300GB) for the OS and a RAID-5 (4 x 300GB) housing some SQL data. Disk 0 in the RAID-1 configuration has failed, with the Virtual Disk showing as 'Degraded' in OMSA and the physical disk showing as 'Failed'.

If it were one of the disks in the data-housing RAID-5, I would quite happily wander into the server room, take the drive out and replace it with a new one, and wait for it to rebuild. However, I'm getting a bit jumpy with the idea of pulling one of the OS disks (and for some reason, the fact that it's 'Disk 0' adds to that, even though I know it makes no difference if it's Disk 0 or Disk 3..).

Is there anything I should be aware of, or is it simply a case of pulling the disk out and replacing it while the server's running? I presume the OS won't be writing to that disk since it's failed?

Any advice would be appreciated!

Best Answer

since the partitions are mirrored in this setup, you can happily take the disk offline, replace it (or hotswap if you have capable SCSI/SAS drives) and let the array rebuild itself.

Do not be scared by the disk number, it only locates its physical position on the controller.

And a "get well soon" to your array!

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