Disk usage metrics missing from Prometheus node exporter

disk-space-utilizationhard drivemetricsmonitoringprometheus

I used Prometheus and node exporter a while ago and had access to node_filesystem_* metrics to monitor disk usage but I've recently fired it up on some other servers (Ubuntu Linux) and those metrics seem to be missing.

According to this https://github.com/prometheus/node_exporter those metrics should be enabled by default and available from Linux hosts. What might be causing them to not appear?

To clarify, I can get metrics for CPU, memory etc so it's not that node exporter just isn't working.

Best Answer

Pay your attention to /etc/default/prometheus-node-exporter: for e. g., recently I realised Ubuntu's (18.04) package cuts out by default all disks statistics:

ARGS="--collector.diskstats.ignored-devices=^(ram|loop|fd|(h|s|v|xv)d[a-z]|nvme\\d+n\\d+p)\\d+$ \

Pretty weird as to me, but at least can be adjusted.

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