Display a salt minion’s master server(s)


I'm starting to play with Saltstack and I haven't found a way to display any runtime details of a salt minion. Specifically I wanted to display the salt master server(s) that a salt minion is currently utilizing.

It seems like there are several places that the salr master server details can be specified, including the /etc/salt/minion configuration file, configuration files located in /etc/salt/minion.d/ and dynamically (which I admit, I don't really understand yet).

I didn't see anything in the man pages to show this kind of info.

This would be useful to help troubleshoot and "explore" inherited installations.

Best Answer

There is a default grain with that information:

In a template or sls file:

{{ grains.master }}

From command line:

salt minion_id grains.item master