Display errors using VMWare Player and Remote Desktop on Windows XP


I've come up against a weird display issue that I can't seem to find any "fix" for.

When I first boot up my computer, everything behaves normally. If I start to use VMWare Player and/or Remote Desktop, my desktop starts having some odd video issues. The frames for some windows aren't drawn at all, if I move windows around rapidly, the area under where the window used to be isn't cleared (still shows artifacts of the content of the window), etc. In some cases, the minimize / restore / maximize buttons aren't drawn (but are click-able if you can guess where they are).

I've tried the usual stuff – current drivers all around, using a single monitor, etc.. none of it seems to have any bearing.

If I try to disable hardware acceleration, it tends to crash the computer.

As I said earlier, it's running Windows XP, dual monitors, an NVidia en8400GS video card, asus p7p55d motherboard. Not sure what other pertinent details are needed.

I would appreciate any help or suggestions!

Best Answer

Have you verified that VMWare tools has been installed on the VM containers? I know that I've had some issues in the past where the video is choppy at best until I get the tools installed.