DNS configuration : sub-domains pointing to different IP


I would like to know if this type of domain and subdomain organisation for our school is feasable, and if so, how.

We have 2 different servers, say SERVER1 and SERVER2

SERVER1 is for school-critical applications: our website,and our extranet
SERVER2 is for each of our students and teachers 's websites. We plan to set WordPress MU on it, so it will need a firstname.lastname.example.com

We want to work with only one Top Level Domain: example.com and have as many subdomains as we have websites/webapps.

for instance, i figure our DNS record should look like this. But is this correct?

example.com  - public website (SERVER1) - webserver (A Record)
www.example.com - public website (SERVER1)  - webserver (A Record)
extranet.example.com  - Extranet (SERVER1)  - webserver (A Record)
old.example.com -silent redirects to SERVER2, old website. (A Record)
mail1.example.com - points to SERVER1, mailserver   (MX Record priority 10)
mail2.example.com  - points to SERVER2, mailserver   (MX Record priority 20)

// a wildcard redirects any other requests to SERVER2

*.example.com - points to SERVER2

Is this feasible? And how should SERVER2 be configured, dns-wise?

Best Answer

This is entirely feasible. In bind, the wildcard line would look like this

*.example.com.        IN      A
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