DNS issues with different internal domain and external domain



I have an internal domain called mydomain.internal, which happens to be an old company name that they used to be and are now called bigcompany which is what there public facing website is called and there office 365 records and such www.bigcompany.com, etc.

The business want to put in place a helpdesk system and wants it to be accessible inside the LAN and outside the LAN using the URL helpdesk.bigcompany.com.

My questions are.

  1. How doI get my Internal DNS server to resolve the host name helpdesk.bigcomapny.com when i only have 1 forward lookup zone for mydomain.internal which is totally different.

  2. If the answer is create a forward lookup zone for bigcompany.com what effects will that create as for existing services internally like access to the public facing website or e-mail, skype, and SharePoint in Office365

I currently have a cname record in our External DNS telling it that helpdesk.bigcompany.com points to an IP on my Firewall. I have not created any NAT rules or Port Forwarding rule just yet for access from the outside.

If i ping helpdesk.bigcompany.com from the outside i get resolution going to the Public IP, thats good. Internally if i ping helpdesk.bigcompany.com i get the same, not what i want.

Creating a forward lookup zone seems an easy fix but am a little worried i am going to have to baby sit the forward look up zone since it matches our external domain name and all the external service use that, like office 365 and our website, etc.

Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

Create an internal DNS zone named helpdesk.bigcompany.com with a single A record at the root of the zone for the ip address of your helpdesk system. The internal DNS server will be authoritative only for helpdesk.bigcompany.com. Your public DNS servers will be authoritative for all other bigcompany.com DNS records. Note that you can create a DNS record in the public DNS zone for helpdesk.bigcompany.com but it won't be relevant to clients using the internal DNS server.

If you need to do this for more than just a few DNS names then you might want to look into using DNS Policies in Windows Server 2016.

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