DNS Lookups for local MAMP web server URL taking 5+ seconds


I'm running MAMP on OS X 10.7. I've set up a virtual host in Apache, like so:

<Directory "/sites/example.com/">
Allow From All
AllowOverride All
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName "example.local"
    ServerAlias "www.example.local"
    DocumentRoot "/sites/example.com"

In /etc/hosts I've added this: example.local

Everything works fine, and up to maybe a week or two ago was very fast. I'm not sure what changed, but now the DNS Lookup portion of the request takes upwards of 5 seconds nearly every time the page is loaded, as reported by both Firebug and Chrome.

Pinging the local address looks good:

->ping example.local
PING example.local ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.073 ms

Here's what Chrome shows:

Chrome Network Panel Output

If I refresh immediately after the first connection, the DNS lookup appears to be cached. But refreshing again a short time later causes the slow lookup again.

Any help would be appreciated!

Best Answer

Well, example.local is typically an mDNS (Zeroconf) address, so there's every possibility that your mDNS config has broken in some way, and it's taking a few seconds for that to timeout before it falls back to /etc/hosts.

Why not just add localhost as a ServerAlias and just access it via that name? Otherwise, at least use a domain that doesn't have a top-level domain that has a different meaning to your system.

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