DNS, PTR, Mail Server HELP!


I am not really sure which route to take. Here is my current setup.

We host our web server on RackSpace Cloud (moved from EC2)
Previously we hosted our own name servers, now we use RS (RackSpace) name servers.

Our mail server is hosted locally running on an ATT T1. ATT Will not setup a PTR unless they are hosting the domain. So they have to "delegate" control and whoever they delegate to can create the PTR. RS will not create a PTR because they said their Reverse DNS isn't setup to run that way.

We have a few domains, big domains that are our primary customers, rejecting our mail because of this issue.

So just to clarify, this is our setup:

Domain Registrar is at Godaddy.com
DNS Name Servers point to RS DNS
Mail is hosted locally via ATT T1, ATT Delegates DNS authority for our IP Block to our OLD name servers at ns1 and ns2.mycompany.com. (These no longer exist as we host with RS now)

Any advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated. I have been dealing with this for 3 days now and feel like a complete newb. It's driving me mad. So mad I will be willing to pay a consultant to assist in this matter.

The Error that our mail server is giving is:

delivery temporarily suspended: host or domain not found. name service error for name=domain.mil type=mx:host not found, try again

Best Answer

AT&T does this. It's their policy. It's an ugly policy, but I will often times either host a minor domain attached to the company with AT&T or delegate the primary DNS domain to them. If you have a small domain you don't mind hosting with AT&T, do it. Then they'll give you the reverse PTR records.

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