DNS Record Timestamps Are Not Updating on Server 2008 R2 DNS Server


I have 2 Server 2008 R2 domain controllers with a AD integrated DNS zone for the domain. Previously, scavenging was not enabled. I enabled scavenging a week ago and now that I am seeing old stale records go away, I am also noticing that about 80% of my DNS record timestamps arent updating properly.

From what I understand, the servers should update their own DNS records every 24 hours, but like I said, I have many that are over 24 hours old. If I log on to the server and reboot, or run ipconfig /registerdns, it will update the timestamp just fine. The computer account has full control in the security settings of its respective record.

One domain controller is also a DHCP server. I tried configuring it to update DNS, which is working for workstations that have DHCP addresses, but I do not think tha these updates work for servers that have static IPs. Any idea why these timestamps arent updating?

Best Answer

Having a "No-refresh" interval configured to 7 days is intentionally blocking the periodic (24 hour) refresh by the client systems, until their record is at least 7 days old.

That configuration should be just fine - it just means that you shouldn't be worrying about a system failing to update until the timestamp on its record is over 8 days old.

In other words, don't stress about those timestamps; only stress about the refresh failing if scavenging actually kills a record for a system that's running.

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