DNS Replication on Server 2008 R2


I have been trying out public only facing DNS servers with Server 2008 R2 Web – I've wanted to setup at least 2 in a master/slave replication.

Using Microsoft DNS I am able to add in the domains into the primary zone on the master DNS server (ns1) and add the records ok and have them visible publically. On ns2 I can then add in the same domain but as a secondary zone and get them to replicate / zone transfer fine.

Is there a way inside of Windows to have the slave(s) automatically synchronise all the changes from the master? For example it's ok if i have manually added the domains onto each of the NS's but if i add a new zone on the master i have to add it on the slave before it replicates.

I installed Simple DNS and they have a 'Super Master/Slave' which takes care of exactly this whereby if you add a new domain into the primary zone it is automatically created and kept in sync on NS2 but i would have to buy a licence.

All this is non active directory if that helps.

Can anyone advise if it is possible to do this using Microsoft DNS?

Many Thanks in Advance!

Best Answer

There's no "stock" method for creating zones on your secondary DNS servers when new zones are created on the primary DNS servers. You could code something up with the Resource Kit DNSCMD tool that would do it, but there's no stock behavior in the product to do what you're looking for.

As an aside: In an Active Directory environment every domain controller that hosts DNS automatically hosts all forest-wide and domain-wide (for the domain it's a member of) DNS zones. Bringing in Active Directory just to do what you're looking for is probably overkill, but it could do what you want.