DNS Reverse lookup not working


I am creating an authoritative bind server. I have not worked on DNS in a while.

My reverse lookups are failing on the internet, but when I connect directly to the server on nslookup I am able to do a reverse lookup sucessfully.

Forward lookups work fine.

Any ideas on what this could be?

Best Answer

Okay you've said that direct queries against the NS are working and that it's your own ARIN assignment.

Assuming you haven't done so already, you will need to submit a request to ARIN to change the information that they hold for the assignment. Within this block of information are the nameservers delegated to handling reverse DNS for the netblock.

Once you have done this then hosts querying the root servers for ~xxx.in-addr.arpa will know to go to the RIR and then your own nameservers for the correct PTR information.

I can't give you the specific information about the ARIN change request. I'm trained on the other side of the pond and we do things slightly differently here ;)

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