DNS Round-robin, Load Balancing, Load sharing, and failover in 2012

domain-name-systemfailoverload balancinground-robin

I have been reading many posts on serverfault as well as on other sites regarding all these.

What I understand is, Multiple A records(round-robin dns) can be used for both :

I would like to make sure my assumptions/findings are right. So let me know please…..

Best Answer

If you want real load balancing for web server's than you should think about Haproxy . It has high efficiency using reverse proxy and failover system (keep alive & Heartbeat) Haproxy load balancer will work as a front end server for your web server.

To know more about Haproxy you should read http://haproxy.1wt.eu/download/1.2/doc/haproxy-en.txt and http://www.howtoforge.com/high-availability-load-balancer-haproxy-heartbeat-fedora8