DNS server not resolving github page properly after two days


I had GitHub pages set up at mypage.github.io. I changed it to mynewpage.github.io with a new account and repository.

I deleted the old CNAME and configured another CNAME in DNSimple to point to the new location:

CNAME    www.example.com    mynewpage.github.io

Now when I run dig www.example.com in the terminal it returns

www.example.com.        3600    IN  CNAME   mynewpage.github.io.

But when I visit the domain www.example.com directly in the browser it still shows the old page at mypage.github.io instead of the page at mynewpage.github.io.

I thought it might be the ISP caching or something, but it has persisted for two days now and on different machines in different locations. What needs to change?

Best Answer

As the information on the DNS seems to be ok (see output from dig), and the issue is visible from different machines, the problem has to be on the other side, i.e., on GitHub. Make sure that the configuration on that side is correct (see https://help.github.com/articles/setting-up-a-custom-domain-with-github-pages/ for info about how to correctly configure a custom domain name).

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